
  • The step-by-step guide to set up PhpStorm for Magento 2


    The step-by-step guide to set up PhpStorm for Magento 2

    Magento 2 is a complex platform/framework, therefore we need to use all of the tools we have to help us to develop Magento properly. I present you The step-by-step guide to set up PhpStorm for Magento 2 to help the developers to develop properly Magento 2 projects by following 4 easy steps.

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  • Magento – show empty grouped products


    Magento - show empty grouped products

    Magento doesn’t show in the catalog view empty grouped products. In other words, Grouped products with no associated products. I’m showing how to show empty grouped products by removing the price index from the catalog query.

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  • Update WordPress without FTP


    Update WordPress without FTP

    In some cases, WordPress asks you for your FTP details when trying to update the core or the plugins. This is a common issue whereby the WordPress system can’t write to your /wp-content folder. This post shows you How to Update WordPress Automatically Without Using FTP.

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  • Magento Left Join on Attribute filters with EAV tables


    Magento Left Join on Attribute filters with EAV tables

    One of the most used method when developing Magento (both 1 and 2) is to filter collections, by attributes or fields. But sometimes, when working with multiple models and complex queries, we need to identify how to make in Magento Left Join on Attribute filters with EAV tables. addAttributeToFilter is a method that can be…

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  • Cleaning Magento before going live


    Cleaning Magento before going live is something you must do before going live in your production server. Magento 1.9 database structure is hard to understand, therefore if you don’t do this cleaning properly, you may end up with integrity database problems.

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  • Magento Timezones and Timestamps


    Understanding Magento Timezones is essential and very useful. Did you know that all of the dates in your Magento are stored using UTC? You should know that your store times may be wrong for half of the year as the time-zone switches between GMT to BST or DST.

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  • Working with Magento product attributes programmatically


    Magento Product attributes are one of the most powerful features in Magento. With this guide you will understand how Magento Product Attributes work within the EAV Model of Magento. And you will learn how to create and work with them.

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  • Solid Principles and PHP


    The SOLID principles, five agile principles that should guide you every time you write code. The principles, when applied together, intend to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintainand extend over time. This guide will help you to adapt them to PHP and make your code…

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  • PHP best practices guide


    PHP best practices guide

    PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. I present this guide with 15 good practices, so that your PHP code is as effective as possible.

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